How to Print the Charts

There are a couple of ways to print the graphic descent charts on one page. If you are using Netscape or Mozilla, here's an easy way:
  1. Right-click on the link to the chart, and select "Open Link in New Window".
  2. Under the "File" menu, go to "Print Preview"
  3. For the Scale, select "Shrink to Fit".
  4. The picture should now be on one page. If not, play with the various "%" settings on the Scale, until it fits.
  5. Print.
If you are using Internet Explorer, or if you want more control, here's another way. The chart is a picture. You can use a picture editor to print it:
  1. Save the picture to your computer.
  2. Open the picture in a picture editor.
  3. Use your picture editor to fit it onto the page and print it.